Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We've Moved!

OK, should have written about this...er, awhile ago. 

AirMcCain is alive and well but has moved. You can reach it here, that's right, at http://airmccain.com.

So, come on over to the new and improved AirMcCain.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

McCain Won Super Tuesday

Tonight was a great night for the McCain campaign because tonight sealed the deal that John McCain will be the next Republican nominee for President. Tonight is about miracles, because that is the only word that can describe John McCain's comeback from oblivion 6 months ago. I too was worried about McCain in the Summer and was not happy to see a man I so deeply respected become relegated to the back of the line. Well, no more! He is now the Republican standard bearer.

Yes, there was a Tsunami Tuesday and Romney was the one swept out to sea. After spending so many of his own millions to falsely portray himself as the heir to the Reagan revolution, though as Gov. Huckabee noted, the man only reached Conservative puberty at 60, all Romney had to show for tonight were a handful of delegates and states that he once lived in. Romney will now have to dig very deep into his pockets to challenge McCain. What a futile effort when the time now is to come together. I have to say that I doubt very much that Romney is man enough to do just that.

The real losers, besides Romney, are the ultra-conservative talk-radio blow-hards Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck and the rest of them. Their power and influence has been shown to be quite puny and they as mere paper tigers. It turns out that their audiences listen to them not for inspiration or instruction, but for entertainment...man, that's gotta hurt. For the first time in almost ten years, I'm going to listen to Rush tomorrow to see if he pops a valve--I wanna be there when he does. Maybe I'll call in and rub McCain's victories like salt into the wound to help things along.

If someone other than McCain was a winner tonight, it has to be Gov. Huckabee. He swept the Southern states. His campaign has been, and he promises it will remain, positive. He is a testament that people can live by the faith and the Word and still be successful. While I admire Huckabee, I do not believe he is the best person for the job--my guy is--but he is a man of honor and an example to future politicians.

I wish I could have been either in DC or AZ to see the returns along with those whom I was proud to work with. For almost a month, I got to work with great people for a cause that can only be termed inspiring. And I only worked as a volunteer for a month while those like Christian, Bo, Mike, Davis, Grissom and others worked like crazed beings for months. Some even became quite unpopular at home because of all of their time on the road. But the hard work paid-off!

What an amazing and...well, life-changing experience my time with the McCain campaign has been. When this is all over, and it will end in November 2008 with McCain's election to the White House, I will miss so very much the campaign and working for victory for a great leader. Anyone reading this, before it's too late, go work for a campaign, for something bigger than yourself and your immediate needs. It will change you. I promise.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Florida--We Won!

It's 1:37 AM here in West Palm Beach and I just returned from the Miami Victory party--boy, was that fun and...not sure what word to use--I'm really tired--so I'm going to simply write, fulfilling.

Many conservatives had speculated that McCain would loose in Florida because the primary here is a closed one, denying him his traditional allies', the Reagan Dems and Independents, votes that have carried him strong in New Hampshire and South Carolina. But the victory tonight in Florida was complete. Romney did not have any clear victories in Florida that his camp can point to for hope in defeating John McCain in future primaries. And in running so far right, under the guise of the inheritor of the Reagan mantel, Romney denied himself California and New York--a collassal screw-up. Surprisingly, in Florida, McCain won, or very nearly won, the right-to-life vote and the good 'ol boy vote, along the I-4 corridor. And in Orange County, Romney needed to trounce McCain but instead only won by a couple of hundred votes. Naturally, McCain carried by extremely wide margins the more moderate Republican areas. Miami-Dade, for example, was so lopsided as to be meaningless for Romney.

In all likelihood now, John McCain will be the Republican nominee for President and will very likely be inaugurated on January 20th, 2009 as our 44th President.

I'm glad I could be a part of this before the New Hampshire victory to the Florida pounce. I stood by my guy, good or bad, and along with all of the other volunteers and the few staffers we won and won big.

For me, Florida was personal as I believed that it would be important in such a close race--that's what all of us in the campaign thought it would be--that those from Orlando through to Brevard County, which is the Space Coast, know that John McCain was a friend of space exploration. And you know, maybe it only added a few hundred votes. But now the issue is there in our campaign and my work is done for the time-being.

I am so very much more tired than I have ever been before. This campaign has drained me in a way that nothing before ever has. I am really looking forward to some down-time. Christian, Bo, Mark, and Buzz, just to name a few, will only have a couple of days before they head out for the big wins to come in California, New Jersey, and New York. Where things go from here is anyone's guess. But for now, I have things to do and a wife to relieve of the duties she's had to bear alone.

Night all, from the great state of Florida, newly made "McCain Country".

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Return to Florida

Turns out that Mei was fine. The doctors think there are some things going on with her but they can be dealt with over time. The stress of my comings-and-going's, handling the dogs by herself, all while working full-time also contributed. Mei has bounced back and is fine now, so she let me go back to the campaign. I'm in Continental Airline's President's Club right now typing away and waiting for my IAH-PBI flight.

The race in Florida has tightened up quite a bit. Some polls show us ahead, others behind. Unlike New Hampshire or even South Carolina, this is going to be a nail-biter. But if we do win Florida, it's a big nail in Giuliani's coffin and yet another one in Romney's. As for Huckabee, I'm not sure how he comes out on a loss in Florida. Ron Paul I think is in because he likes the attention--he doesn't get much of that in Congress--and becuase he probably believes the insane rantings that are his debating points, such as the I-35 corridor being the first-step towards destroying America.

The McCain campaign was going to try to get a Space surrogate to campaign on behalf of the Senator to try to get that area of the I-4 corridor. Sadly, that individual had to back out for work-related reasons. So I took it upon myself to contact a few people I know in the aerospace business such as Tim Crain, John Carson, Bob Bishop, George Whitesides, Jim Kirkpatrick, and the AIAA. Eventually, I was able to talk to Colonel Eileen Collins of STS-93 and 114 fame about considering working with the campaign on Space matters.

What a great sight that would have been...the rockets in the background, Senator McCain and Astronaut Collins together talking about how important the Space program is to America. Well, it's not happening, at least not state primary. Between the campaign being to busy and I not having enough authority, that bird got away, though I hope we can still work with Col. Collins in the future. She is an incredibly gracious person to interact with.

In the meantime, I'm still waiting for George and Bob to come through, though no feedback yet.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Mei called me an hour go to say that she was on her way to the hospital after her doctor told her to get there after examining her. I left for Austin on the next flight. Cooling my heels in Houston (IAH) right now. TBD what I'll do next. Hope Mei is good.


I've been working for the past 4 days with Warren Hendriks and Ellen Cahill in the surrogate office. It's been an interesting change from the War Room. The WR was a constant bang-bang-bang environment with a let-up only when you went home. The surrogate office is much more like a real job...mostly boring but interrupted by moments of sheer panic.

On Tuesday (1/22) we had a big surrogate, someone who was supposed to represent the campaign at an AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) event, "Divided We Fail" that was to be held in Tampa. Well, our surrogate, let's call him Boy'O, he decided with less than 24 hours to go, that he simply could not make it, so sorry and all of that. I had just called his assistant to confirm Boy'O's flight info so that one of our drivers could meet him when arrived and his secretary, with sunshine full in her voice, said he wasn't coming...ummm...hold on for Warren.

But these old bulls, such as Warren and Stan, they are magicians and before long Boy'O was back on, though at another event. In the meantime, we had to scramble to get someone to the AARP event and make sure that their travel arrangements were squared up.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Moving to Florida

I've been on the War Room for three days now. I have to admit, Bill Bloomfield was right--it is tough to keep up with these 20-22 year-old guys. But it's been rewarding too to know that I can do it. My output is right up there with anyone else who has only been in the Room for a few days, about 10 postings each day. The video is the most difficult because you want to make sure you get the clip to start right when the story you're referring to begins; this is a big time-saver for the higher-up's so that they don't waste a lot of time watching stuff other than what they really need.

Tonight I was asked by Bill if I could tear myself away from the fun that I was having as part of the War Room and go down to the Florida HQ to work with the group that handles the surrogates.

Surrogates, it was explained to me, are people who can draw a crowd and are there to to tell their audience why John McCain is the man to lead our country. This sounded interesting and...well, I agreed. After being in the War Room for 3 days, a very intense experience, I felt I could handle anything.

Naturally, I agreed to go. So I am leaving DC tomorrow to go home, change clothes, hug my wife and dogs, and get back out on the road Sunday AM.